What Should I Store During the Winter?
Lawnmower & other outdoor power equipment
Store your lawnmower in the shed or storage unit for the winter. While some manufacturers might suggest to drain your lawnmower or other outdoor equipment of gas before storage, read the manufacturer’s guide. Another alternative is to add fuel stabilizer with fresh fuel and let it run for a few minutes. This gets the stabilized fuel into the carburetor and fuel lines, and is fine for storing it for a few months.
Rec gear
Rec and outdoor gear like kayaks, boats, and camping gear should be cleaned and stored away for the winter. If you are unable to store them in the shed, garage, or storage unit, cover them top and bottom with tarps as best you can – just be aware of possible moisture damage and rusting that can occur because of this.
Outdoor furniture
Lawn chairs, outdoor grills, patio sets, hammocks, mobile fire pits, umbrellas, decorative light fixtures and similar items should be stored for the winter to preserve them for years to come. It’s a good idea to clean these before storage as well.
Motorcycles, ATVs, etc
Jet skis, ATVs, motorcycles, and more – put these away for the winter, especially if you live in an area where it snows. On top of snow and moisture, rock salt used to de-ice roads and sidewalks can be extremely corrosive and harmful to motorized vehicles. When storing these, keep the battery-operated items in mind – cold temperatures can harm batteries or items that contain fluid. If picking a storage unit, check to see if they are climate controlled, keeping the temperatures between 55-85 degrees if you live in colder climates. If storing them in sheds or garages, keep the temperature in mind when putting them away.
Outdoor Toys
This might include kiddie pools, bikes, skateboards, pool toys, life jackets, or other outdoor toys kids use during the summer, but won’t be used in the winter. To prevent these items from getting damaged from prolonged sun or moisture exposure, put them in storage to clean up your yard for the winter.
Summer clothes
Save space around the house and in your closet by storing your summer clothes. There’s no point in keeping these clothes around and letting it clutter your house if you aren’t going to be using them. This is especially helpful if you have a small living space.
What TO Pull Out for The Winter
While you’re putting away your summer gear, why not make one trip and pull out your winter gear at the same time? Here are a few reminders for what you might need to pull out of storage for the winter.
-Christmas decor, indoor and outdoor
-Extra tableware, cutlery, pots and pans, tables, etc. you might need for Thanksgiving
-Winter clothes
-Snow gear (shovels, rock salt, etc.)
-Outdoor rec gear for winter – things like snowboards, skis, sleds, snowmobiles, etc.